Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things that make me happy on a crappy day - Tuesday, Oct. 27 Edition

Sometimes I get really stressed out at work and I let all of the frustrations really get to me. Today I decided to quit complaining and start focusing on the good/fun things that happen. Here is a list of my happy things from today:

1. Several folks commenting on the cuteness of my new feather headband.
2. I don't have a headache for once!
3. My can of Diet Coke tastes particularly good today.
4. Starbucks made an error in my favor, and accidentally shipped me an extra travel tumbler. One of them was slightly cracked, so I guess that makes up for sending a slightly defective (but still usable) product.
5. The free Starbucks VIA in my package tasted really great.
6. My grad student posted a link to the awesome Banks interception/touchdown from Saturday night. Watch below!
7. A dear, old friend of mine became a father of a baby girl today!
8. I was home by 6:00 p.m. and in my pj's.

And...a # 9 last minute submission thanks to Facebook. Here's a great cover of one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands. *sign*

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Trying to comment :) Congrats on getting home and in bed by 6:00. That earns you major props in my book. I love your blog!!! Miss you.