Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Great Hair Debate

For those who have known me long, you know that I fuss and fret over my hair a lot. Its just one of my "things." Well, I have been bothered with my hair again lately, and am desiring a change. I'm thinking of going back to short. For those of you who have only met me within the last two years, I'm sure you can't imagine me having short hair...or hair that is red or blonde. But, for those old friends, you know my hair was pretty much short between 1998 and 2007.

Above: Pretty close to the current hair.

July 2007

Christmas 2006

Easter 2006

Fall 2003

So...help me decide...Short or not short? I can always just get it cut and let it grow out again! What do you think???


kjlangford said...

I LOVE the Fall 03 photo. That's my vote.

Sher said...

Alas...I was so young then....

It's a Mom Thing said...

I just found this new blog of yours. I always think your hair looks cute. I'm not a hair girl and my hair looks blah all the time. I liked it when it was short. And it is much cooler on the neck. :)